Friday, June 10, 2011

What to do with an AFK'r in a Forcefield?

So I logged back in and something I noticed earlier while roaming and now is that there are alot of people who sit in a POS forefield that has defense guns. What can I do to counter this? Will an Abaddon with a max turret range of about 150km, will this make a difference if I target and shoot the afk'er? If I can get the starbase passcode, can I bump the afk'er out of range of the guns?

These questions and more need answers! Its off to find the wizard, the wonderful wizard of EVE!

1 comment:

  1. If they're inside the forcefield, there's nothing you can do without obtaining their POS password (other than shoot the POS itself, which has to go through a reinforcement cycle before it can actually be destroyed). If you get their password you can potentially bump them outside the shield, but while they remain inside the shield you can't lock them or activate any targeted or aggressive module on them.

    If they're outside the forcefield you can shoot them freely, but bear in mind that the range and dps of POS guns is high, although their locking time is quite slow. Unless you can kill your target and get out very quickly, you'll need a gang with RR as well as enough dps to disable any warp disruption batteries they have so you can actually leave.
