Monday, June 13, 2011


After the eventfull weekend I had, Ive decided to only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My single posts get rather large in story and I need to learn to trim it down some so its not so much a wall of text. I feel limiting the days I post combined with how much activity Ive had recently (if I can keep it up) will provide plenty of posts and help me in learning to cut the fat out.

For a quick addition, I was asked to help out in Branch to destroy an SBU the Russians had placed. We destroyed two of them in EQi, and there were other fleets taking down some as well I heard. After I ran out of ammo (because I didnt have any extras, I never use up a set of crystals) I got sent to scout while the rest of the fleet took down the SBU. Not like my Slicer was helping much anyways, compared to the carriers and Abaddons. Either way, it was a fun quick experience and I felt like I helped, no matter how little.

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