Monday, April 25, 2011

New Fitting

EFT is awesome btw. I will be switching out the EANM1 for the ANP2, fitting in a nos, and upgrading to a 200 armor plate. Doing this will increase my EHP from 5535 to 6857. Nice jump imo!

Volley damage:
DLP 94
GLP 71

The dps calculation difference in minimal, DLP = 46, GLP = 44. My cap also went from 1 minute 5 second duration, to 1 minute 53 with DLPs and 2 minutes with GLPs, with the new low slots AND nos on both setups! DLPs won out again for the convenience factor of being able to make my own.

[Punisher Setup 2]

Adaptive Nano Plating II
200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II
Small Armor Repairer II

Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler I
Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Dual Light Pulse Laser I, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Pulse Laser I, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Pulse Laser I, Multifrequency S
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Trimark Armor Pump I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I

Thanks both FNG and Taerean for the advice on switching out the low slots and looking more at the GLPs!

Edit: After getting home from work, I logged in and put this setup together. EFT is off by about 1k hp for this fitting. It says I should about 6800, when I have only 5800. Also, my capacitor in game is at 1 min, 25 seconds. Ive dug through each item to make sure its the same one in game as on EFT and it is. I went through all the skills affecting each module and they are the same as well. Im not sure where this difference in theory and in practice is coming from =(

Just to make sure it was consistent, I refit my original stuff and had similar results. The capacitor matched this time, but the hp was off by roughly 1k again.


  1. I can give you the answer to your post Edit conundrum...

    EFT calculates EHP based on AVERAGE resistances in each of the three layers of Shields/Armor/Structure. It's slightly unrealistic since no one is ever going to shoot you with weapons that do equal parts all four damage types. So your EHP will be lower when being shot by Kin/Exp in your Punisher, but higher if you're taking EM/Therm damage.

    The EHP displayed in the fitting window of EVE Online is calculated based on the LOWEST resistance across Shields/Armor/Structure. It gives you sort of a worst-case scenario number, and will always be lower than your actual EHP unless someone is using ammo that only does the damage type that you're least resistance to across Shields/Armor/Structure, which might be the case if someone is using Phalanx missiles against your Punisher. The other thing to watch out for is that any modules that need to be activates, such as your damage control, will need to be turned on to get an accurate picture in the game, so the number you get when docked is often very different.

  2. Ah, thank you clearing that up for me. It makes perfect sense now. I also learned the second part of your comment about non-activated modules with my Orca awhile back actually. The whole figuring out my mining range/yield thing =)

    Thanks again for the answer in differences!

  3. It seems I have a tendency to get distractd mid-thought when commenting. You also mentiond the lower number under how long your Cap lasts and I have an answer to that too. First up, there are some rounding errors in EFT. EVE will acually use some very long decimals in a calculation without displaying them in the EFT is often using truncated number. You can usually write off any difference of a few seconds due to that.

    The other big difference, and what you're seeing, is that the fitting window never takes into account active modules that increase cap, such as Nosferatu or Cap Boosters, when displaying how long your cap will last. So you're likely to last a bit longer with your Nos running, but still not quite as long as EFT promises since it's unlikely to be working 100% of the time. It becomes really obvious when you load a ship that's cap stable in EFT, but in game says it's only got 45 seconds. Hope this helps.

  4. It helps greatly. Thank you for the assistance in figuring out the mechanics of EVE, much appreciated =)
