Monday, April 25, 2011

Loss Number Two And a Half Win

This was just a stupid loss. I had dscanned down this afk guy next to a cyno beacon. I was too far away to sneak up on him, just in case he wasnt afk. I bm'd his beacon location as they were only 2km apart from each other. Warped out, back in on top of him.

Targeted, tossed on scram. Got a pop up message saying something about concorde, blah blah. I didnt read it. I should have, because if I had, I would have known that the giant station nearby would shoot at me. Well, I was already attacking, turned on repper and got the guy down to structure. I saw a big explosion, thinking I got him. No, it was me going boom and him safely in structure.

2011.04.25 15:11:00
Victim: Axazia
Corp: Hysterically Unforgiving
Alliance: Wildly Inappropriate.
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Punisher
System: Ami
Security: 0.4
Damage Taken: 2850

Involved parties:
Name: Caldari Sentry Gun III / CBD Corporation (laid the final blow)
Damage Done: 2850

Destroyed items:
Infrared S, Qty: 3 (Cargo)
200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Dual Light Pulse Laser I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I, Qty: 3
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I
Small Armor Repairer II
Multifrequency S, Qty: 3

Dropped items:
Damage Control II
Dual Light Pulse Laser I, Qty: 2
Adaptive Nano Plating II
X5 Prototype I Engine Enervator
Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler I

I limped back to Amarr home world 3 or 4 jumps out, waiting out my global criminal timer, spinning a new punisher. I was thinking about getting my harbinger out and going to kill that guy well out of the range of those station guns, but figured that would be cheating on my plan. So Im going back out to Ami with the same ship and fit I just lost. Going to use infrareds this time and perhaps be further out from those station guns.

Well, I got back to a ship that was empty. No pilot this time. I passed him in his pod as he jumped out of low sec to .5 space again. Either way, I targeted his ship, aligned myself to the safe spot I had made and blew up that empty ship. I had already lost 2 ships today, and it doesnt matter to me if the one I get is empty or not right now. I made it out of there with about 5% armor left too, so no lost ship this time!

2011.04.25 15:37:00
Victim: 1OF NINE
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Reaper
System: Ami
Security: 0.4
Damage Taken: 122

Involved parties:
Name: Axazia (laid the final blow)
Security: -0.3
Corp: Hysterically Unforgiving
Alliance: Wildly Inappropriate.
Faction: NONE
Ship: Punisher
Weapon: Dual Light Pulse Laser I
Damage Done: 122

These actions have cause my security status to plummet, Im now -2.6! I was previously at 1.2, so this is an unexpected side affect that has instantly become inconvenient. It may be time to load up the second account to haul my stuff to assist in a move out of high sec. I found this out the moment I jumped back into high sec and the Concorde ships started shooting me. I was able to jump around to diff planets, but was unable to keep it up for 15 minutes. Needless to say, Punisher number 3 has been lost.


  1. Don't worry too much about the first half dozen Punishers. They mostly just help you stop freezing up when you enter combat, and there will be a ton of "so that's why people don't do that" moments.

    Am I right in thinking that you are working on T2 lasers right now? They are an absolute priority.

  2. There is a typo in there with the decimal, my sec status is NOT 2.6...its 0.26 =P And yeah, I hope there are lots of dont do that moments that I can adapt quickly to fix so I dont lose a ship.

    And yes, I am working towards T2 lasers atm. I tossed in a few 10 hour skills to get them to level 3, so my engineering took a back seat for a day or two. Thats just my OCD kickin in there though, I dont have any skill out of the 116 I have in my training abilities (except Destroyers 1) that take less than 24 hours now.

    I am debating on getting targeting 5 and then multitasking soon after T2 pulse lasers too, as I already have the book for it. Wont help much with Frigs, but bigger ships like my Abaddon, it will come in helpful. Low on priority list though.

    Thank you for your comments as well Taurean, I appreciate them and the experiences you share =)

  3. I'm slightly confused by your last paragraph. You either A)Jumped into highsec with a 15 minute GCC timer and got a CONCORD response, or B)Jumped into 1.0 Security space with a -2.6 sec status and got an NPC Navy response. If it was A, then once you jump in there's nothing you can do. Evading CONCORD is against the rules, but is generally impossible anyway. If B, then you didn't need to evade them for 15 minutes, you just needed to warp back to a gate at 0km and jump through it. Either way, it's pretty much expected you'll screw up at least once and lose a ship if you decide to trash your sec status...I've certainly done it a couple of times.

  4. I havent felt like editing my post, but yeah, my sec status is off by a decimal, it was 0.26 (now a lil higher than 0.3) I believe I jumped back with the timer still on, it was yellow, and I thought it was red with the bad kind to be kos by Concorde.

    Either way, I had tried to leave my ship in a safe spot, knowing that npcs dont pod. They still blew it up =P Oh well, cheap leasson learned tbh, ALwAYS make sure your aggression timers are gone before going back to high sec space =P
