Thursday, August 11, 2011

Slacking due to RL

Yeah, Ive been slacking on both pvp and pve. I moved into a new home, had to wait a few days for all utilities to get turned on, and also bought a new keyboard that Im not sure fits me well (more options than I need). Anyhow, on to what I did today.

I loaded up a nice Vengeance fit, minus the rockets of course (par for the course for me, eh?) and found a nice little pocket of lowsec a few jumps from Amarr. Learning my lessons of low sec travel before, I scouted ahead slightly, using only my map options. Worked pretty well, but I cant rely on that tool alone too often. It helped that I logged in purposefully during a slow period in this area a few hours before I planned to actually play. First things first in lowsec, make some safes. Luckily, 3 of the 4 systems I was planning on roaming through were empty except me in local. I also had a few safes from when I first started playing; warping to them found me a pos with a cyno alt. Warping in at 100km at just to be cautious, he saw me with plenty of time to run away. Oh well, renamed bm to accurately reflect this new knowledge.

The one system that had people in it happened to be the one I docked at, which I had thought doing so these people would be gone when I returned. However, they werent, and they were still the same people. Probally doing missions. Undocking, aligning and warping to a safe, popping up dscan midwarp, showed me I had forgotten to add a dscan tab for my overview to use. So, while not staying in one spot too long to be safe, I added that useful tab. Dscan now showed me a couple battlecruisers in range, with one  neutral person docked up that I saw earlier.

Jumping between safes and celestials, I checked the info on each of these 3 players. No battleclinic info, I forgot about that until just now. Two were corpmates, reinforcing the idea of them being missioners. The third was in an npc corp and a 2011 character. Didnt catch the month, but to be in lowsec, its most likely an alt. I assumed it to be a scanning alt, due to my becoming much more paranoid about other capsuleers in New Eden. With this info, I decided to warp around to the belts. I did this with the hopes they might just be mining in battlecruisers. Not likely, but in lowsec, the unlikely is sometimes likely.

Finally noticing me in local, one of the pilots pipes up with a lil bit of taunting. I ignored it for a moment while checking each belt and planet, and with only one station, I checked it as well every couple jumps. Eventually, I got tired of  the taunting and explained I am not silly enough to engage two battlecruisers (Myrmidon and Harbinger). Even if mission fit, I doubt I could break their tank, let alone two of them. I laughed back at them for hunting a frigate with two BC's, with a reply of "We hunt everyone." Laughing again, I let them know I thought they were noobs. Cementing my thoughts, they (I think only one due to the chatter) asked why I kept disappearring from their scanners. Good plan on keep the movement up. I exclaimed to them I wasnt going to let their neutral scanner find me.

By this time, I had stopped using my safes, as the third pilot had undocked. I didnt catch the ship he was using, but I decided to leave the system. Jumping through, the pilot talking to me (I forget her name) convo'd me. Asking what a neutral scanner is, I informed her (hard to believe that line from a 2009 toon, but I was still nice). After stating that wasnt her alt, I just gave the reason of becoming paranoid of everyone lately. I feel it served me well today. I didnt lose my ship, and I didnt engage a battlecruiser who had a corpmate in system. Wouldnt have attacked the Myrm anyhow, maybe the harbinger though.

So after roaming through my small pocket and not finding any fights after an hour or so, I chose to go home. Looking up some Ashimmu fits, I got mine situated pretty good. Not going to use her for a lil bit though while my skills go up a bit more. I hope to bring her out in a fleet op sometime, but we'll see. I also finished skills to assemble my Legion, which I did enthusiastically. Only about a month of training to get Amarr Cruiser 5 finished and Strategic Cruiser to 4, maybe 5. Other than those two skills, I have all the support skills to actually fly it instead of just sitting in it. Go me!

So I may log in again tonight, but its been a pretty rough day; calling for an early bed time perhaps.


  1. I have to say, I would've kept bouncing too.

    What are your plans with that Ashimuu?

  2. Im not sure yet. I have a pretty good setup for solo imo, and I will probally post my fit when I bring her out. I will most likely switch a few mids around for a fleet ops though, which is where that ship will shine best I think. Even with other ships who do it better, they dont look as cool!

