Monday, August 15, 2011

Interestingly Small World

First, a quick derail out of New Eden into Norrath; which leads into EVE surprisingly.

My brother has finally seduced me back into the world of Norrath. I decided not to pay for a full month and rather, go with the 3 day weekend access for 5 bucks. Total ripoff imo, 1/3 the cost of a full month for 1/10th the total time. Anyhow, I did it anyways. I grouped right away with him and his friends in a guild. Several are former raiders (like myself) from a long time ago in EQ2, so we got along well. I fell into the role of leader by accident (maybe not real leader, but it felt like it) by leading the way into Ward of Elements, one of my favorite zones of the TSO exspansion. Throughout the zone, I lead the way, explaining most of each encounter; my memory sometimes missing details with the passing of time. It felt good to lead competent players again and I thoroughly enjoyed their company deep into the morning (530am EST). Its been a long time since Ive been up that late playing any game tbh.

Through some of our conversations, one of these players happened to play EVE as well; a very exciting event for me to find another capsuleer! And so started my slow bleeding of info from him about his EVE experience. I didnt want to reveal myself right away, in case he was a major player and might come to destroy me. Notice my lack of trust? =P Come to find out, this capsuleer is still pretty new (around 5mSP), similar to me. He likes to mine I found out, so offered the use of my orca if he would like, especially since he's based only 6 jumps from my base. Possible new roaming partner if he's interested in some pvp; which he is! I like this guy!

Anyhow, fast forward to Sunday night; and Im chatting him up in a private convo, learning more about him, sending him to a few useful links (my blog being the first one to lead him to other more experienced pilot blogs). Sometime during our coversation, I get a convo invite from another pilot. I recognized the name from talking to him before, but could not remember anything about this pilot or what I talked to him about. Accepting the invite while loading up his info to jog my memory, I straight told him I dont know who he is =P

Explaining himself and what he wanted with me eventually, I was pretty flattered (if I read what you wanted wrong, plz comment). This pilot is a former nullsec dweller, major pvp'r in a decent alliance, and a great leader apparently. He moved back into Empire space due to the g/f beginning to play EVE, a noble gesture for sure not just tossing her to the wolves of Zero space. His corp deviating from his personal goals in game, he created his own corp with his woman to invite experienced players and newbies alike, with the experienced ones teaching and training the newbies (real newbs btw) in all the various ways of New Eden. Basically, yet another newbie friendly, trainer corporation. Cool right? Well, I thought so also until the very end comment right as we said our good byes for the night:::

By the way, we're going Anti-Pirate

My first personal reaction was "Lol, this guy said he read my blog, why's he want me doesnt he know Im the worst pirate alive?" Well, maybe thats why? Yeah, I was flattered because this guy wants me to join his corp as an experienced pilot. I told him Im far from "king shit" in the knowledge of EVE mechanics, and am still new as well. Oh well, I joined their private channel (by invite only btw) and Ill be staying in offering advice or help as needed or asked for. Maybe Ill join them if they change their views on no pirates, because Im incapable of not pissing people off. Ive become more and more tempted to jump into a nice ship to gank some miners that I keep passing in high sec while doing my missions. Eventually, that temptation is going to override my hesitation to not lose my ship to concorde.

So thats basically my weekend. I have enjoyed grouping with these new people in EQ2, so I may stay if the grouping and possible raiding continues. Definately might stay if I push myelf into a leadership position with them, but my motivation for getting back into scheduled raiding is lacking at this time of my life. That whole family, real life, and better things to do than sit on an MMO things get in the way of my falling back into the addiction that is hardcore raiding.

I didnt mention either pilots names to not put them out there, in case they dont want to be. If either of you want to be named, be my guest to post a comment =)


  1. Going strictly anti-pirate is gonna be tough. I guess that means no raping of industrial boats :( Much easier to steal lootz from a Freighter or Industrial than grind through the anoms ad sigs yourself and HOPE for a Dread Guristas Shield Booster drop (or something equivalent). Then again, I guess the Faction Warfare folk get along just fine like that, what with copious amounts of targets flying about. Maybe that's the key: wardec everyone!

  2. Yeah that Anti-Pirate thing can be tough. For a long long time I was in a corp that was Anti-Pirate. However a few of us still indulged from time to time. We told each other that we were simply killed the alts of pirates :). But I eventually started my own corp. Now I can do what I want, when I want, and tax free.

    I am slowly making a blog about it if you are interested in yet another blog.


  3. I probally will never go anti pirate tbh. Their channel is helpful and I even offered some tips to other Amarr pilots who were saying to get infrared, when getting t2 small lasers is one of the faster weapon skills to gain; not to mention more important.

    Maybe getting my own corp is a good idea, but downside to that is I do annoy people sometimes and Im not in the mood to be looking over my shoulder everyday running missions in high sec.

    btw, Jadark, did you play EQ2 as well?? There was player there I used to know named Jdark as well =)

  4. As a matter of fact I did play EQ2 for a long time. I mostly played on the AB server as a Warden named Jadark. However I did do a short stint on LD and a few other servers.

  5. Ah cool, Im not sure, but I may have seen you. I rolled around as Zianlo and Cylare on Everfrost, Lucan, and Crushbone for a bit =) Back on EF for now with my warden.
