Sunday, May 1, 2011

Biting off more then you can chew.....

So I while I typed out the previous post, a few people had joined us in local. I decided to try again to get a good fight. Sending a message to Face612, I invited him to a t1 frig fight, hoping Id get my wish. Well, I did. We agreed to no podding, and I mentioned I had just fought a guy who had no defenses, so I prompted him to at least equip some. He did just that.

I warped into the first belt, waiting for him to arrive. Soon enough, he did, in what I took to be a rifter at first glance (soon to be found out a Jaguar). We set range at about 9km, not out of my range. This varied down to 2km, back up to about 7km throughout the fight as we each tried to set range. Got him to almost to armor, then my old friend showed up from the previous fight. I was quickly scrammed and jammed, and I could do nothing. I turned on my repper to maybe kill the Jaguar if there was a lull in the ECM. There wasnt, and I got to 40% armor before I tried to escape. It wasnt happening, even with my AB going to get out of range. My ship blew up and I warped out. Even with the previous no pod agreement, I couldnt be sure the other 3 people who warped in midfight would honor it, since the t1 frig agreement hadnt been honored.

At this point, I realized I had bit off more than I could chew and I limped out of the system, back home again.

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